Sunday, May 16, 2021

預言 Prophecies


The source of Bible verses & Strong’s system of the original word meanings from “The Bible Society in Taiwan” AND  "". 

恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube
組級別 Group level
I) 預言 Art Of Prophecies
1) 預言中的耶穌 About Jesus
2) 耶穌的預言 From Jesus
I) 預言 Art Of Prophecies
II) 在世上的年日 Art Of On Earth
III) 救贖 Art Of Redemption
IV) 直到那時 Art of Until Then
Use this link if you cannot view the links within group.
基督耶穌有關的藝術 The Christian art to you
預言中的耶穌 About Jesus
耶穌降生和祂的一生 Summery of the Gospel years
耶穌 Relating To Jesus
以賽亞書 9:6 因有一嬰孩為我們而生;有一子賜給我們。政權必擔在他的肩頭上;他名稱為「奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君」。
O降生的當日 有一子賜給我們
O近兩歲時 政權必擔在他的肩頭上
O12歲時 奇妙
O33歲時 和平的君

耶穌降生和祂的一生 Summery of the Gospel years
耶穌 Relating To Jesus
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
OThe day Jesus was born Unto us a son is given
OWhen Jesus was near 2 years old
The government shall be upon his shoulder
OWhen Jesus was 12 years old Wonderful
OWhen Jesus was 33 years old The Prince of Peace
耶穌的預言 From Jesus
馬可福音 13:32 「但那日子,那時辰,沒有人知道,連天上的使者也不知道,子也不知道,惟有父知道。
Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
耶穌 Relating To Jesus

這圖片本來可以是鳥瞰, 不過它是GIGO。
This picture could be with the bird's eye view but GIGO instead.

GIGO (輸入垃圾就輸出垃圾)已經出現了不到半世紀,但不知道會持續多久(當別的取代計算機時, 它可能會消失。), 只是週期性的變化不等待任何一代。過去的事實從來是現在所不知的, 只需要一代就會導致任何一種語言不再使用, 這就是GIGO表明人所想的和過去的事實往往不相符。
在科學來說,有「誠實的錯誤」來意味過去的不知。聖經是唯一的真理,有着許多「誠實的錯誤」因為忽視聖經而用。其中之一是「地球是平的」的理論, 是因為不閱讀或不相信自2455 B.C.已經知道的聖經中的事實而出現。
至於基督教徒,有些人不帶祈禱的心閱讀聖經, 所認識的世界就與不在乎閱讀聖經的相同, 去認同不太好的建議。「種族」是其中的問題之一, 諾亞有明確的方式要所有兒子的後裔, 混合在一起生活在世界各地,自2400s B.C., 就從未有過任何不遵行的。「種族」一詞來自那些忽視了聖經的, 將自2400s B.C.混淆的配搭為準, 組合分配成為諾亞家族的「種族」分類的標準。另外,基督徒必須明白,不知道過去不會使瞭解消失。諾亞的兒子們沒有任何關於養育的檔案嗎?洪水前有100年的預備時間。 第一個孩子從閃生, 所有的嬰兒護理和健康誰去照顧呢? 誰來行醫? 他們怎麼得到藥的呢?誰教語言使世界或寫或說都同一, 以達成巴別塔的發生? 是誰遞傳在600s B.C.前的洪水前的記錄給中國的? 又記錄在哪裡起源的?為什麼摩西不接觸這一部分呢? 為什麼上帝讓這在聖經中被排除? 當然,人將永遠反應:「還有許多其他的書籍被用作聖經外其他的用途。」, 聖經中也列出書籍的名稱。是誰應該遞傳這些書籍的? 這些書籍現在在哪裡? 不知道答案,不過聖經覆蓋夠, 理解並不需要大量的細節, 是因信以至于信。
GIGO 真正的問題是有關原因和過程之間存在的差異。 原因是不存在,因為它是對絕對的真理。所有人談論的都是過程, 假設的解釋和提出的建議往往將過程被誤導為原因。於是人們知道的原因,僅僅是過程。地震是其中之一, 板塊移動是地震的原因,板塊移動會引起地震是過程的解釋和建議。夠詳的審查耶穌被釘十字架時的情景, 是否定對耶穌被證明不存在的建議的答案。與這些人比較真相是在浪費時間, 他們證明的過程當然不可能在實驗室中進行測試, 而得到在1969年人在月球上行走過的證明一樣的向世界表明它發生了。還有什麼馬太、馬可、路加、和約翰沒有涵蓋不夠的, 是如何認真閱讀聖經的內容, 而不用扭曲什麼使它適合。
10個類型的在場人 10 types of witnesses
在場的人的10類動機 10 kinds of intentions
十字架七言 The 7 Speeches On The Cross
基督教徒必須牢記的事實是許多先知死於非命。耶穌提到過人殺害先知, 要點是先知所最可能面對的是極其邪惡的地方。一個例子關於先知的是以利沙是患病而死的(有上帝給予他的大權能, 他卻死於疾病。)。上述各點足以涵蓋顯示原因是上帝的意志, 這是真正的原因,並非關於過程。原因是除了上帝的意志以外就無法解釋的, 任何先知面對粗糙和邪惡的過程中時,難以向人展示是上帝要他講的話, 耶穌面臨「釘他十字架」足以解釋了。
還有約翰在坐牢時寫的啟示錄。可能有建議 「科學解釋」出約翰如何看到和看到什麼。用現在的所知,任何人都能拿出任何理論顯示的結果獲得任何似是而非的過程, 這是從來不難做到的。這使「誠實的錯誤」曾出不窮, 無非是對任何理論有洗罪的藉口。微觀過程的微觀過程的微觀過程 ... 是「誠實的錯誤」的來源之一, 似是而非的過程能夠否定約翰所寫的? 否! 因為微觀是可以否定任何建議的, 任何過程都離不開進一步的微觀的差別, 這是基於「符合所有的條件」理論建議然後會發生, 在任何微觀的條件的差異下能夠否定理論。 理論是「訂製」的, 「公差」是關鍵之一。 迄今為止, 啟示錄似乎不能有微觀條件的重視, 這是試圖在世界面前作出否定啟示錄的差別之一。另一點, 是取決於現有的理論必已經涵蓋任何可能發生的過程。這就像否定亞當可以獨當一面的名名所有在他面前經過的生物(這個詞是用來包括任何已不再存在而亞當看到的)。許多人彼認為是不正常而能夠做的事情,是正常的人所無法做得到的。所謂「照片似的記憶」確實存在, 實際上是如看著記憶中的照片, 例子就如一個人真的可以在大腦中閱讀聖經中的一頁, 可以找到任何一頁的任何單詞的確切位置。
GIGO作為現代術語解釋人的思想沒有長遠的。這就像說,某一行星的軌道需要200多年才能完成一次。誰可以在通過事實的調查結果而同意?誰可以說,軌道理論是永遠不會改變的絕對真理? 預言意味著唯有某期間的人能夠理解, 沒有某期間的人能夠正確理解期間以外的預言。你能明白保羅用兩年的每日在辯論什麼嗎?這是他的時期和他的責任來面對當時的誤解。人可以排序出來666將在23世紀出現, 那時人都會知道什麼和怎樣生活是永遠不能想像得到的, 那時肯定不會用電腦。在今天的理解的基礎上來看200多年的變化,已經遠遠超出了想像的範圍。

GIGO (garbage in garbage out) has been around for less than half a century but do not know if it lasts very long (it may disappear when the computer is replaced by something else). The cycle of change just does not wait for any generation. The past has always been so far from the present that people just do not know what took places in the past. It only takes a generation for any language to become not in use any further. This is where the GIGO shows what people think and the facts of the past carried no match.
In science, there is the term "honest mistake" meaning not knowing during the past. The Bible is the only truth and ignoring the Bible has been plenty of the carrying of the "honest mistake" taken places. One of them was about the theory of "the earth is flat" because people did not read or believe the Bible facts that have been known since 2455 B.C.
As for the Christian, some just do not read the Bible with prayer. The understanding of the world is then just the same as all that do not care about reading the Bible. It is than believe in the suggestions that are just not good. The word "race" is the very problem. Noah clearly passed on the pattern for all the descendants of his sons were to be mixed together and live all over the world. There has never been any separation of the branches of the sons of Noah since 2400s B.C. The term "race" came from the ones that ignored the Bible and just compare people of their mixed results. The more of certain combination become a group and then came up with the races out of the family of Noah.
Further more, Christian must understand that without knowing the past does not make the understanding disappear. Could there be no record of anything about raising the children for the children of Noah? There was the 100 years before the Flood. The birth of the 1st child was from Shem. Who took care of all the process of child care and the well baby care? Who practiced medicine? How did they get the medicine? Who taught the language so that the world spoke or wrote not in any other way and ended with the tower of the Babel? The Chinese record keeping of the before the Flood has been around. Who passed on these records during the 600s B.C.? Where was the origin of record keeping? Why was Moses not in touch with this part of it? Why did God allow this be left out of the Bible? Certainly, people will always response with "there were many other books that were being used as the separate purposes from the Bible". The Bible also covered this with the specific name of the book. Who was supposed to pass them on? Where are they now? Without knowing any of these answers, the Bible covered enough. The understanding just does not need a lot of details. It is about from faith to faith.
The real problem about GIGO is about the difference between the reason and the process. The reason is not existing because it is about the absolute truth. The process is all that people talk about and often being mislead into supposing the interpretations and the suggestions of any process is about the reason. People then knows the reason that is only the process. The earthquake is one of them. The reason of the earthquake is about what causes the plates to move. The interpretations and the suggestions of the process is about the plate move will cause earthquake.
The record of what took places when Jesus was crucified reviewed enough of the details of the answers to people that have been suggesting that Jesus was proved not existed. It is a waste of time to compare the truth with these ones. The process of getting the proof for them certainly could not happen like putting the "man walked on the moon in 1969" in the lab and tested it out to show the world that it took place. What else can there be that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John did not cover enough. It is about how careful that one reads and not about twisting anything to make it fit.
10個類型的在場人 10 types of witnesses
在場的人的10類動機 10 kinds of intentions
十字架七言 The 7 Speeches On The Cross
The facts that the Christian must keep in mind are that plenty of the prophets died not in the normal natural death. Jesus mentioned about people killing the prophets. The point of the prophets are facing the most likely extremely evil days of anywhere. One example was about Elisha that died of sickness. With his given power from God, he died of the sickness. The above points covered enough to show the reason was the will of God. This is the true reason and not about the process. The reason cannot be explained other than as the will of God. The process of having any prophet to face an evil generation is simply rough and hard to show people that God was behind the purpose of the speaking up. Jesus faced the "crucify him" explained enough.
There is also about the Revelation that John wrote while in Jail. There may be the suggestion of the "scientific explanations" of the how and the what John saw. Using what is known in the present, any one can come up with any theory that shows the result from any process to get to the sound alike. This has never been hard to do. The sound and the look alike always exist is where people come to the point of "honest mistake" is not a problem. There is nothing more than the "honest mistake" to excuse any guilt on any theory. The micro process of the micro process of the micro process ... are where the "honest mistake" known to take place from. Should the suggestion that worked be able to deny what John wrote. The firm answer is "NO" because of how the micro of any process can deny the suggestion. The sound alike is away about skipping the comparing of any further micro in difference. People label this as "meeting all the conditions" so it will happen as what a theory suggests. Any condition carries the micro in difference will throw out as fit into a theory. "Custom made" is what the theories are about. "Within the tolerant" is an other catch. In so far, what John went through could not be as good as any theory that any micro in difference is not acceptable. This point is left out by anyone will to try to deny John in front of the world. Another point to deny John depends on whatever could take place must be covered already by the existing theories. This is like denying that Adam could name all the living ones (this term is to cover anything that Adam saw before that are no longer existing) that passed in front of him. The wonder is about plenty of people that are not normal have been able to do things that normal people cannot handle. The so call "photographic memory" does exist. It is really about looking at a photo in the memory. The example of such is about a person can be really reading the pages of the Bible as in the exact page format in the brain. This can be used to locate any word of a certain page by counting the lines and than the words in that the line as the exact locate.
The GIGO as the modern term explains the thoughts of people are no good in the long run. It is like stating that a certain orbit is for a certain planet to orbit on for more than 200 years to completely orbiting it once. Who can be there to agree through the fact findings? Who can say that the orbit theory is about the absolute truth and will never change? The prophecies meant for people of the period certain to understand. No one can understand it correctly outside of the period. Can you understand what Paul was debating about daily for 2 years? It was his time and his given duty to face the current misunderstandings of then. One may be able to sort it out that the 666 will take place in the 23rd Century. What will people know then and living with can never be imagined. There is certainly no computers by then. The 200 years of the changes base on today's understanding is already far beyond the imaginations.

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